

Use Birch to search for your next favorite book! Powered by the Google Books API.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

React for the front-end, with a Redux-managed state and Thunks for asyncronous API requests. Includes unit tests using Jest, Enzyme, Chai, Sinon, fetch-mock, and redux-mock-store.


Browse leisurely through pieces of famous art with Browseum. It randomly selects and displays artwork from the Harvard Art Museums. At the click of a button, get a new random work of art (including by artist, culture, or time period), see your recent browsing history, or add a work of art to your list of favorites.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

React for the front-end, with a Redux-managed state. Ruby on Rails API for the back-end. Semantic UI for styling.

Get Mouz!

Use the arrow keys to help the cat avoid cascading rain and tag the mouse in this cartoonish, retro-style game! Based on the wacky behavior of our tabby cat.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

React for the front-end, with a Redux-managed state. Ruby on Rails API for the back-end.

Garden Tracker

Garden Tracker helps you keep track of gardens you establish, the species you like to plant, and the plantings you put in the ground. Create a password-protected account, or sign in via GitHub, to get started.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

Ruby on Rails as the main architectural tool, including for the management of CRUD actions and RESTful routing. jQuery/JavaScript for ajax requests. OAuth for signing in with GitHub. Semantic UI for styling.

Live Demo Log In Name / Password -> Demo / demodemo

Veg Info CLI App

Veg Info scrapes information about vegetables from Cornell University's gardening websites and allows you to view that information from your computer's terminal.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

App written in Ruby. Nokogiri gem used for scraping.

A Baseline React App with a Rails API, Redux State, and React Router Built In, for Deploying to Heroku

Here's a barebones React app to build from when you'd like to get sprinting with React, a Rails API, Redux, and/or React Router. The app relies on a PostgreSQL database to make deployment to Heroku easy. Everything's hooked up, ready for you to get building. Head to the GitHub link below, clone the repository, and check out the instructions in the README for how to get started.

Principal Languages or Libraries:

React for the front-end, with a Redux-managed state. Ruby on Rails API for the back-end.